Evidence locker overview

Posted by Al Finkelstein on 05 Oct 2020

At the core of the Auditree framework is a Git repository known as the “evidence locker”. Each Auditree execution environment requires a dedicated evidence locker in order to execute. The Auditree framework can either clone an evidence locker from a remote Git repository hosting service (GitHub, GitLab, …) or create a new local locker for you. Serving as the Auditree data store, the evidence locker houses evidence gathered by fetchers, evidence generated by checks and/or evidence planted by the Auditree Plant tool.

Local vs. remote

The reasoning behind our choice of Git as the Auditree data store is outlined nicely in our previous post but in a nutshell, an evidence locker uses Git as an efficient, reliable, tamper evident data store. Although it is possible to execute Auditree with only a local evidence locker, a typical implementation of an Auditree execution environment will pull down a local clone of a remote evidence locker, perform Auditree operations, store the results of those operations as evidence in the cloned local locker and once complete, push changes back to the remote evidence locker.


Evidence locker content is namespaced into four top level folders within the locker and manages that content on an ongoing basis. The folders are:

  • raw: All evidence retrieved by fetchers is stored here.
  • reports: All report evidence generated by checks is stored here.
  • external: All evidence gathered or generated outside of the Auditree framework and planted by Auditree Plant is stored here.
  • notifications: All check notifications sent to the locker are stored here.

OK, but what makes it a locker?

…in a word, metadata.

As noted earlier, all files are organized according to their data type but the Auditree framework still needs a way to treat these files as evidence and that’s where the metadata comes in. The top level folders are purposefully shallow. Each folder that contains evidence (notifications are a special case, and not considered evidence) can be further organized with sub-folders per category of evidence under raw, reports and external, for example by tool or service provider. Each evidence category sub-folder contains an index.json file that stores all of the metadata for evidences within that category.

Evidence metadata includes:

  • Basic evidence metadata
    • An evidence last update date/time: You may consider this as a duplication of Git file metadata but this last update date/time is updated as part of every execution of the Auditree framework whereas Git file metadata is only updated when the file content has changed. This allows us to track the continued execution of fetchers and checks while still leveraging Git’s efficient file storage methodology.
    • An evidence time to live duration
    • An evidence description
  • Partitioned (raw) evidence metadata
    • Basic evidence metadata
    • Fields used to partition the evidence
    • A mapping of evidence partition to evidence file
  • Report evidence metadata
    • Basic evidence metadata
    • Checks used to generate the report
    • A list of evidence used by the checks to produce the report
  • External evidence metadata
    • Basic evidence metadata
    • Planter email
  • Pruned evidence metadata
    • Basic/Partitioned/Report/External (whichever applies)
    • Pruner email
    • Evidence tombstone including an end of life date/time, last update date/time, and a reason for pruning.

In addition to all of the category index.json metadata files in the locker, you will also find a check_results.json in the locker’s root. This file contains all of the metadata from the most recent execution of Auditree checks.

Check results metadata is organized by check and contains:

  • Accreditations tied a check
  • Check results (successes/failures/warnings)
  • A list of evidence used a check
  • Report(s) generated a check

Finally, an evidence locker’s README.md serves as an entry point into the locker and contains a table of contents organized alphabetically by report description. For each report in the table of contents useful information such as last execution date/time and evidence used to generate the report is included.


An evidence locker is a namespaced Git repository with metadata. It stores files as evidence and allows the Auditree framework to manage that evidence based on that evidence’s metadata.